STAIN is a bandage for clothes! Its happens to us all, more than we want it to. Stains are unavoidable. STAIN works like a normal bandage. Peel off the backing and place it over the stain to camoflauge it. The integrated washing solution will go to work on the damaged area whilst you are wearing it making future stain removal a simple task. When washing the garment, peel away the STAIN patch and toss the garment into the washer. My vision is for STAIN to be available in two versions, Regular and a Business Edition.
It comes in different colours and motives to suit your needs. STAIN also has a great joint-venture potential as can be seen here in the example STAIN x Stenströms collaboration I envisioned. The goal is that a customer receives 2-3 patches in the same way as one would receive extra buttons during a purchase.